Upload Photos from Web Pages to Flickr Directly

upload to flickr

Say you come across an interesting photograph or screenshot image on Wikipedia that you would like to save in your Flickr account. How would you do this ?

Shiyan has developed a simple Flickr Uploadr for Firefox that lets you send web pictures directly to your Flickr account without you having to download that image to the hard-drive.

desktop-uploadImage attribution can be a issue here but it’s also useful if you like to backup photos from places like Picasa, PhotoBucket, Facebook, etc to Flickr.

The add-in is Firefox only but there’s something similar for desktop in the form of Flickr Uploadr (video version here).

This will adds a "Send to Flickr" command to the contextual menu and lets you upload desktop pictures to the web with a simple right click.

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Edited by Yangki Imade Suara

Copyright 2010 by Anshul Dudeja