Facebook benefits are not just socially, but also a means of communication, looking for work, to the campaign. Unfortunately, busy work especial Facebook make a lot of people now spend more time working instead. It is not surprising that many companies began implementing policies blocking this site in the office. A research also shows the relationship between the increasing number Facebook with divorce in the UK and Australia.
Well, if you include people in his life began to be a Facebook? See 10 signs below.
- Facebook has become the internet homepage in your computer or in your laptop.
- You change your status more than two times a day and you commented on friend changes status.
- Your friend's list already exceeds the number 500 and half of the almost unknown.
- When you're far away from your computer, you check Facebook via BlackBerry, iPhone or other smart phone.
- You're diligently read the profile friend more than two times a day, although he does not send a message or a tag you photos.
- You change your profile picture more than 12 times.
- You read this article while you check Facebook.
- You clean the "wall" that does not look long into the Facebook.
- You become a member of more than 10 groups and respond to any invitation even though not actually interested.
- You change your relationship status to increase your popularity in Facebook.

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